Welcome to Creative Melbourne Gallery
Bringing art to the heart of South Derbyshire
Our next exhibition is JOY
Melbourne Festival is over for another year and we are looking forward to our final exhibition of 2024 - JOY is taking over the Gallery.
We are looking forward to welcoming everyone to Joy the final exhibition of 2024 at Creative Melbourne. The Gallery is going to be an Alladin's cave of beautiful artwork by East Midlands artists, everything from paintings to print, pottery, glass and wonderful willow baskets. JOY features work mixed media work by Helen Hallow, papercuts by Connie Wan-Docksey, winter wonderlands by Mark Langley and Steven McLoughlin, small pieces by Peter Watson, and Christmas prints and Cards by Barbara Bagley (featuring the scene here!), willow baskets and decorations by Teasel Tales, glass by Stevie Davies and Kat Christou, also fabulous ceramics by Gabi Komar-Dixon, Lucy Ormsby, Louise Roe and much more...
Christmas is the time for giving and, whether you are buying for yourself or friends and family, buying unique artwork is a great gift and the recipient and the artist who made the work will both have a Happy Christmas! We have also just taken delivery of this years Christmas Card please let us know if you would like to reserve some.
The Gallery will be open 10-4 on Wednesdays to Saturdays until Christmas, and we will open until 8pm on Friday 6th December as part of Melbourne's Christmas Market - Please pop in and say hello!.
We look forward to seeing you at Creative Melbourne, Church Street DE73 8EJ soon!
The Gallery is open 10-4 Wednesday to Saturday.
Visit our Online Gallery for a preview of the fabulous work on show. Pieces can be reserved using the online form in our Gallery below.
If there is a piece that you are interested in reserving please scroll below to see the Reservation Form.
Please note: Our purchase button is not yet working, and we can’t hide it. To check the dimensions of paintings, click on the image, however please return to this page and scroll to the bottom of this page to use the Reservation Form to reserve a piece, or to make an enquiry.
Online Gallery
- Christina Williams
- Pam Smart
- Elaine Lim-Newton
- Alison Evans
- Lucy Ormsby
- Steph Jansen
- Gabi Komar-Dixon
- Stevie Davies
- Barry Bulsara
- Connie Wan-Docksey
- Helen Hallows
- Lottie Adams
- Caroline Barnes
- Barbara Bagley
- Ronnie Diggins
- Mary Johnson
- Mark Langley
- Andrew Mason
- Steven McLoughlin
- Kerri Pratt
- Louise Roe
- Bernie Rutter & Vitor Azevedo
- Jay Seabrook
- Alison Wake
- Peter Watson
Reservation Form
When you reserve, we will put a Reserved Card on the piece in the gallery and call you to arrange for you to visit the gallery to see it and, we hope, buy it. We will hold pieces for 3 days.